Monday, August 14, 2006

Fat Jiggle animation
Here's An internet animation of
a fat guy danceing i had to do over the weekend.
Just thought I'd share it.


Mirco said...

disturbing,why did you do this?

Curtis said...

for the money mirco, for the money.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. Lookit that belly go.

Curtis said...

Oh my god! I should have made him fat JIM! WHY DIDn'T I think of that!?!?!
DAMMMIT! why do I fail at everything

Gillian said...

that made me throw up in my mouth a little ....

Mike Geiger said...

i wonder if i should start filing my lawsuit for putting me in your animation. there must be some kind of personality copyright infringement there.

mickey the wicked said...

This made my stomach hurt- I am sick, hungry, and laughing really hard at the same time.

CarolineJarvis said...

work it work it work it! That's the man of my dreams right there! Can I have his #... I hope he's based off of a real person or I'm going to be sad forever.

ps. don't listen to Gillian... that shit's hot!