Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pic-a-nic baskets?

So this is the back step of my new house...
Oh yeah, and that's a bear on my step.
A real life friggin' BEAR!
The Picture isn't to clear because it's super dark out,
and the flash only goes so far.
He's pretty small, as you can see he's smaller than
the chair. But really, it's a bear. He just ate my garbage,
I guess I better make sure to put it in the barn from now on.
Coming soon... sketches.


Scott MacDonald said...

jesus! i just shit in right into my jeans. you should try putting hot sauce all over the garbage then watch the bear roll around on the ground with indigestion all night after he eats it. at this point you'll be able to go up and rub his belly for him and listen to him giggle and purr like a kitten. this works on the hobos who dig through my garbage. should work on bears too.

Scott MacDonald said...

jesus! i just shit right into my jeans. you should try putting hot sauce all over the garbage then watch the bear roll around on the ground with indigestion all night after he eats it. at this point you'll be able to go up and rub his belly for him and listen to him giggle and purr like a kitten. this works on the hobos who dig through my garbage. should work on bears too.

CarolineJarvis said...

I wish i had a pet bear! You're so lucky. Hopefully you won't get eaten alive... that would kinda be a shitty day. Glad you're still alive and kickin!

Ron said...

Watch out! He might demolish your barn just to get to the garbage, best leave it out in the open, and clean it up later.

I can't believe you got backyard bears!!! I'm so jealous!

A-R Dumont said...

Curtis! That's craziness. Maybe one day you and the bear can be fairweather friends. Til then, do be careful.

Ben said...

Why would you put the bear in your barn?

pmaestro said...

o sweeeet