Monday, November 05, 2007

Early afternoon Deer

Looked out in the Yard Sunday to find this guy
hangin' out eating apples.

It doesn't look it, but I managed to get pretty close.

Then she scampered back to her trailer.
What a DramaQueen.


Mirco said...

Where the hell do you live? Deers, Bears! You should trap that deer into the bear trap which will lure the bear into the bear trap. I'm sure it'll work better than donunts. It'll be a better show anyway.

Gillian said...

mmmm deer meat... i mean... awww look at the cute l'il deer

Ben said...

Those are some really good drawings. You're showing marked improvement in your skills.

Scott MacDonald said...

" Curtis Carey's Funtime Petting Zoo"
gold mine

Scott MacDonald said...

gold mine.

Ron said...

gold mine.

pmaestro said...

bambi's for babies man, where're the pics of the bear! rawr! you said you took pics! and i want to see them! me me me me Me!